Nollywood actress, Toyin Abraham, has engaged in a heated exchange with trolls on social media who are demanding that she reveal the plans President Bola Ahmed Tinubu shared with her. The actress had previously revealed that President Tinubu had shared some of his ideas and strategies with her, which she found impressive.
Some citizens, who appear to be opposed to Toyin’s support for President Tinubu, have been throwing insults at her and demanding that she disclose the details of their conversation. However, Toyin has refused to back down, firing back at the trolls with some harsh words of her own.
One of the trolls, @ManLikeIcey, wrote: “Maybe one day Toyin Abraham will divulge the plans Bola Tinubu shared with her to the public. I strongly believe we deserve to hear. Thank you.” Toyin responded, saying: “I won’t curse your family, but you are not worthy of my response.”
Another troll, @anthonystilldey, wrote: “If you don’t tell us soon, it won’t be better for you.” Toyin fired back, saying: “It won’t be better for you too. You are not worthy of my response.”
The exchange has continued, with neither side showing any signs of backing down. The trolls are insisting that Toyin must reveal the plans President Tinubu shared with her, while the actress is refusing to do so.
This is not the first time Toyin Abraham has clashed with trolls on social media. The actress has been open about her support for President Tinubu and has been attacked by trolls on several occasions. However, she has always refused to back down, standing by her beliefs and firing back at her critics.
It remains to be seen how this latest exchange will end.