The Inspector General of Police (IGP), Abbas Byakagaba, has suspended all National Unit Platform (NUP) rallies, effective immediately. This decision comes just two days after the rallies were cleared, and follows a chaotic procession on Masaka road on Friday, which resulted in three deaths and multiple crashes.
According to police spokesperson Fred Enanga, the police management has decided to halt all further consultative activities of NUP as a party until the matter is conclusively investigated and resolved.
IGP Byakagaba cited NUP’s “lawlessness” and disregard for public safety as the reason for the suspension. He noted that the party’s convoy caused traffic congestion and accidents along the Kampala-Masaka highway, despite warnings from Bobi Wine to his supporters to ride carefully.
The procession turned chaotic, resulting in the loss of three lives at Maya, Nsangi sub-county. ASP Luke Owoyesigyire, deputy Kampala metropolitan police spokesperson, attributed the fatal crash to reckless driving and excess speed by NUP supporters. Over 10 people were injured and rushed to various health facilities.
IGP Byakagaba warned that the police will not tolerate any further disregard for public order and safety. “Whoever acts contrary to public order and safety shall be held accountable under the laws of the country,” he emphasized.
The suspension of NUP rallies comes as a significant setback for the party, which had planned to hold a rally in Mityana Municipality on Tuesday. Bobi Wine and his supporters have been accused of flouting agreed-upon guidelines for their consultative meetings, leading to the police crackdown.
The IGP’s swift action against NUP rallies signals a tougher stance on law and order, as he assumes office. The public is urged to remain vigilant and respect the law to avoid consequences.
The police investigation into the chaotic procession and fatalities is ongoing, and further action may be taken depending on the outcome. The suspension of NUP rallies has sparked debate about the balance between political freedom and public safety.