Funke Akindele, a renowned Nollywood actress and producer, has demonstrated her generosity and commitment to her faith by gifting money to celebrate Juvenile Harvest, a significant event in the Celestial Church of Christ.
Funke Akindele, a dedicated member of the Celestial Church, took to her Instagram page to share her joy and appreciation for the occasion. She spreads love and kindness by gifting money to her followers, telling them to send an account of their church, which inspires a flood of gratitude in her comment section.
The Juvenile Harvest, observed on the first Sunday of June annually, is a joyous occasion that symbolises celebration and thanksgiving. As a dedicated member of the Celestial Church, Funke Akindele joined her fellow worshippers in marking this special day.
This heartwarming gesture has endeared her to many, showcasing her beautiful spirit and inspiring others to follow in her footsteps. As Funke Akindele celebrates Juvenile Harvest, her kindness and generosity have made a lasting impression on those around her.
The Nollywood actress’ selfless act has not only brought joy to her fans but also served as a testament to her strong faith and commitment to giving back. Her kindness and generosity have endeared her to many, showcasing her beautiful spirit and inspiring others to follow in her footsteps.