Big Brother Naija star Kiddwaya has shared a video in which he raises awareness of how he was attacked by robbers in Ibiza, the Spanish island, for the second time. In the video, he narrated how armed robbers attacked the villa where he was hosted and fled with €70,000, luxurious bags from Birkin, and other valuable personal items.
Kiddwaya claims that the robbery was a very well-coordinated sting between a network of local workers that clean the villas, taxi drivers, and even law enforcers. He warned his fellow Nigerians and wealthy people going to Europe to be very careful when renting villas, pointing out that security has to be doubly tightened to ensure the safety of lives and property.
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The reality TV star warned against taking local taxis and suggested that tourists hire private drivers who can be trusted. He urged caution when hiring maids, who are in most cases complicit with the robbers, and emphasised the need to keep all doors and windows locked and secured at all times.
He said in his video,
‘’ I am making this video because I want all my rich Nigerians to all these places. Be careful with villas because what they do is a sting operation from the cleaners to the taxi drivers to the police. It is a long operation, and they are all involved. Any of my Nigerians who have money and are travelling to Europe to get a villa, be very careful. Always make sure you have extra security, you have like bouncers working in and out of the property day and night, and be careful, do not get a normal taxi. Always have a private driver because these normal local taxis are all in on it. And also be careful with your maid because she is the one that goes inside your room, she knows where the money is, where the safe is, she knows everything. These guys are all working together.
“So if you are travelling to Europe in the summer and you are trying to get a villa, be very guided and be very careful.”
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