A devastating incident occurred on Sunday night in the Ntcheu community, a village in central Malawi, when a vehicle in the convoy of the late Malawian Vice President Saulos Chilima’s funeral procession fatally struck mourners, leaving at least four dead and 12 injured.
The vehicle, which was part of the motorcade conveying the remains of the late VP, rammed into the mourners who had gathered in the streets to catch a glimpse of the vice president’s coffin.
Thousands of people had lined up to pay their respects, unaware of the tragedy that was about to unfold.
According to a police statement, two females and two males sustained severe head injuries and multiple fractures, succumbing to their injuries while receiving treatment.
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The spokesman of the Malawian police, Peter Kalaya, confirmed the incident in a statement on Monday morning.
This tragic event comes on the heels of another devastating incident, in which a military aircraft conveying Malawi’s Vice President and other top government officials went missing last week after failing to land. The wreckage of the aircraft was later discovered, with no survivors.
The VP and nine others were on their way to the funeral of a prominent Malawian lawyer, former Attorney General and Justice Minister, Ralph Kasambala in Mzuzu when the plane crashed.
The late Malawian Vice President was buried on Monday in his home district of Ntcheu 180 km south of Lilongwe.