The Nigerian film industry, popularly known as Nollywood, has been thrown into mourning following the demise of one of its aged actors, known as Dayo Adewunmi Sule Suebebe. He died early Wednesday morning at Ibadan’s hospital.
The sad news was announced by a popular Ibadan-based cleric, Pastor Ademola Amusan, also known as Agbala Gabriel, who had been caring for the actor in recent months.
Announcing Suebebe’s death, Agbala Gabriel wrote on his Facebook page, “It’s a pity, Baba Suebebe died at the hospital this morning. May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace.”
The veteran actor was known for his unique talent, charisma, and versatility, which endeared him to fans across Nigeria and beyond. He had a successful career spanning over two decades, featuring in numerous films, television shows, and stage productions. Some of his most notable works include “Suebebe,Oluweri Magbe,” and “Koto Orun.”
It is worth noting that the late actor made a public plea last year, seeking forgiveness from Nigerians for his past reckless behaviour and lifestyle choices during his youthful days. Additionally, he had appealed for financial assistance to support his medical expenses, highlighting his struggles with ill health.
He said:
“Please, I want to ask for forgiveness. Please, I want everyone I have offended to forgive me. Because when I was young, I was a musician. I enjoyed life. I don’t repeat clothes. My house was like a textile factory, to tell you how much I had clothes and shoes.
“I was just living life recklessly. I engaged in minor activities, and I was making money constantly. However, I didn’t have a mentor to warn me about my lifestyle. None of my relatives advised me. So, I saw myself as the Don.
“So, Nigerians, please. Anyone I have wronged, knowingly or unknowingly. Please forgive me. I should prostrate while begging, but my health won’t allow me. Please forgive me, especially all the women I have offended. I know I have stepped on toes regarding the issue of women.”
The sudden death of Sule Suebebe has elicited reactions from colleagues, friends, and fans in the entertainment industry through sending condolences and remembering him.
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